Unlock SAP SuccessFactors job data for your platform. Access jobs from thousands of employers through our comprehensive API and Job Feeds, or integrate directly with SAP SuccessFactors's official API.
SAP SuccessFactors does not have a public facing API to retrieve jobs. They do however have a ‘hidden’ rich XML sitempap called ‘sitemal.xml’. Simply append /sitemal.xml for the sitemap containing job Title, Description, Location, and Employer.
Clients are able to access job postings via the ‘JobRequisition’ API. Accessing this API requires ‘Recruiter Operator’ permissions. The API is rich in functionality, allowing to retrieve, add, and modify job postings. To retrieve jobs, use the following endpoint:
GET /odata/v2/JobRequisition
You can filter the jobs using the ‘filter’ parameter, and ‘select’ to select the fields to retrieve.
curl -u “$user@$compID:$pass” “$baseURL/odata/v2/JobRequisition?$top=5&$format=json&$select=jobTitle,jobDescription,location&$filter=jobReqId”
$baseURL = 'https://apisalesdemo8.successfactors.com'
$user = 'sfadmin'
$compID = 'SFCPART000099'
$pass = 'YourPasswordHere'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri “$baseURL/odata/v2/JobRequisition?$top=5&$format=json&$select=jobTitle,jobDescription,location&$filter=jobReqId” -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization = “Basic $([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(“$user@$compID:$pass”)))”}