Unlock Workday job data for your platform. Access jobs from thousands of employers through our comprehensive API and Job Feeds, or integrate directly with Workday's official API.
Workday does not have a public facing API. To retrieve jobs from your Workday isntance, you will need to use the Workday Staffing REST API, which requires an authentication token. Authentication tokens can only be issued to Workday accounts with Staffing enabled.
To fetch jobs with the official API, you have 4 options:
Other than defining a ‘limit’ and ‘offset’, the API is quite limited. There’s no option to search or filter.
curl -X GET "https://your-workday-instance.com/api/v1/jobs" -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"
$headers = @{
'Authorization' = 'Bearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ‘https://your-workday-instance.com/api/v1/jobs’ -Headers $headers