Unlock Oracle Recruiting job data for your platform. Access jobs from thousands of employers through our comprehensive API and Job Feeds, or integrate directly with Oracle Recruiting's official API.
Oracle Cloud does not have a public facing API to retrieve jobs. Clients are able to access job postings via the Oracle Cloud API. Accessing this API requires client credentials to generate an access token. To retrieve jobs, you can use the following endpoint
POST /api/v1/data/requisitions
You can filter the results on several fields, including sorting on columns (‘columnsToSort’) and filtering on several values (‘filterList’)
curl -X POST -k -i 'https://mysite.example.com/enterprise/fluid/api/v1/data/requisitions' --data '{ "contextId": 4008, "formatId": 11489, "offset": 1, "limit": 10 }
$headers = @{
'Authorization' = 'Bearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'
$body = @{
contextId = 4008
formatId = 11489
offset = 1
limit = 10
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://mysite.example.com/enterprise/fluid/api/v1/data/requisitions' -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json'